Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ashland, KY: Paramount Festival of Trees

Thanksgiving with my family is a wondrously simple affair. We watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and then the Purina Dog Show. By the time the dog show is over, dinner is ready. We barely take half an hour to eat, and are usually in our PJs. We nap, and then we head over to Ashland, Kentucky's Paramount Theater for their annual Festival of Trees.

Please excuse the quality of the pictures, I took them on my iPhone because I can't remember to charge the battery in my camera.

 A tree inspired by the movie Miracle on 34th Street.
 The Paramount Theatre is nationally known for the murals in the building.
This is a close-up of some detailing around an exit.
 One of the murals on the walls. I've been enchanted by them ever since I was a child.
 A recent but very welcomed newcomer to the Festival is the massive and elaborate model train exhibit. You can see more of the murals on the wall in the background.
 The coal industry is always kept in mind. Even the ceiling has a mural.
 A close-up of the school in the train display. The swing set to the right of the school was actually moving, a nice touch.
 It was hard to get a good shot of the trees due to amount of people walking around.
 My mother's favorite tree. She's been collecting nutcrackers for over 40 years.
 Trees in all shapes, sizes, colors, and themes.
 There are wreathes and other decorative displays in the entrance to the theatre.
I really loved this idea as a wreath!

Unfortunately, the event has already ended for this year and I'm just now getting around to posting because I only had it saved as a draft. Oops.  However, Ashland, KY, has always had myriad of Christmas events, with the most notable being the light display in downtown's Central Park. I consider Ashland to be one of the prettiest towns in Appalachia, with a beautiful and active downtown area that's well worth the visit. The Kentucky Highlands Museum is hardly two blocks from the Paramount, and right across the street is the Pendleton Arts Center with a wide array of artisans.

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