Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Look at Tattersall, 1974

I came across (and shamelessly stole) this photo on The Wide Wale. This is what a true prep wears:

Then again, I lived in and remember the '80s.

There are a few details that do date the outfit, such as the wide lapel on the button down, the acrylic jewelry, and the high-waisted pant. The camera equipment can obviously date this picture, but for all we know she could be a hipster sitting in Brooklyn somewhere. 

But she's too well-dressed for that. 

I also now miss my days in the darkroom during college. 

John says this ad is from 1974. What makes this an actual honest-to-goodness preppy outfit is because this outfit would have worked in 1984, 1994, 2004, and would still look great in 2014. 

Here's an idea of what this outfit would look like today:

A tattersall shirt, bright blue shirt underneath. A good midrise pant, braided leather belt, and classic tortoiseshell frames. The chunky cutout heels add some fun to an otherwise somewhat serious outfit.

I didn't add a turtleneck because the neckline on the button down is too narrow to accommodate a turtleneck and no one likes to feel like their being choked. The pant could have been khaki but I love the style in the picture too much and I find the brownish-grey color elegant. 

Another aspect that adds preppiness to this outfit is that it would appropriate for so many occasions. Going to a PTA meeting, grabbing a casual lunch with a friend, browsing the farmer's market on the weekend.

A good casual outfit, both 40 years ago and today.


  1. Interesting reinterpretation! I'm still thinking cork wedges with this, especially since they're now back in style.

    Also, if you'll forgive me some good-natured teasing, as well as my generational biases, the 1974 pants aren't "high-waisted." The pants everyone has been wearing for the last 15 years or so are actually low-waisted. ;)

  2. Cork wedges would work in better weather. Most cork wedges these days aren't even actual cork, they just have a thin cork cover glued to the heel. So little is real these days in fashion, and what is real I simply can't afford.

    The low-waisted pant was brought into style by Ms. Britney Spears in 1999. I was in the 8th grade and remember the first pair of low-rise jeans I ever bought. I wore those things throughout high school until they fell apart. Incredible unpreppy, but when you wear uniforms for your entire childhood you really want to jump on trends when your a clueless teenager.
